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2 months pregnant

by Kristine Bowman


There’s so much going on in your body when you’re two months pregnant. It can be a confusing time, as you try to figure out what to do, what not to do and what to eat. Here’s our guide to the 2 month mark of your pregnancy.

What Is Your Baby Doing At 2 Months Pregnant?

When you’re 2 months pregnant, your baby is super busy growing and developing. At this stage, your baby will be developing a nose, mouth, ears and eyelids. The eyelids will be fused shut, and will stay that way until later on towards the end of your second trimester. Your baby will have webbed fingers and toes as they begin to develop.

Your baby will also have developed lungs, and breathing tubes connecting them to the throat. The heart still has a lot of growing and development to do, but at this stage it will be beating at around 105 beats per minute. 

It’s also in the second month of pregnancy that your baby begins to develop sex organs. In the 7th or 8th week, if your baby is going to be a boy, the gene triggers the development of testes. If the gene doesn’t trigger, then ovaries are developed instead. 

The amniotic sac around your baby is also developed now, and is filled with amniotic fluid. This is all designed to protect your baby and keep them safe as they continue to grow and develop. 

Your baby is now roughly the size of raspberry. It’s also at this stage of pregnancy that your baby is a fetus in medical terms, rather than an embryo.

What You Feel At 2 Months Pregnant

At 2 months pregnant, you may begin to notice some of the common symptoms and ailments of pregnancy.

Morning Sickness

Morning sickness can develop between week four and week nine of pregnancy. Its name is very misleading, as it doesn’t only affect you in the morning. It can come on at any stage of the day. It can vary in severity. Some women only feel waves of mild nausea, whereas others can experience severe vomiting. 

Some women have said that a balanced diet, eating little and often, and eating a small snack before getting out of bed can help to manage morning sickness. Morning sickness usually passes around the second trimester.

Food Aversions

During this stage of pregnancy, you might notice that the taste and smell of some foods leave you feeling nauseous. If you find that once loved foods are now firmly on the banned list, don’t worry about it. Eat bland foods until this passes, but you may want to ask your healthcare provider for ways to make sure that you’re still getting a healthy diet.

Indigestion And Heartburn

It’s quite common to experience indigestion and heartburn at this stage of pregnancy. The hormones in your body can cause the valve that keeps stomach acid in your stomach. This means that it can leak into your esophagus, causing you to feel that uncomfortable burning sensation. If you’re suffering from heartburn, avoid spicy and fried foods. Your healthcare provider may be able to recommend an antacid to help if it happens often or feels quite severe.


While you won’t have a baby bump at this stage, you may feel more bloated than usual. You may notice that clothes that normally fit are now feeling a little tight. It may feel similar to bloating during your period.


The hormone changes you experience during pregnancy can cause constipation. This is because these hormones can cause your digestion to slow down. Another factor that can affect constipation is your pregnancy medication. Some pregnancy supplements have a high amount of iron, which can also be constipating. Drinking lots of water can help, and staying active may also help.


Another common symptom in this stage of pregnancy is fatigue. Your body uses a lot of energy as it changes and alters to help your baby grow and develop. You may feel more tired, and that you need more sleep than usual, so take any opportunity to rest. Listen to your body, and if that means you have to say no to going out, or working overtime, do it. 

Your energy levels may return to normal in the second trimester, but in the meantime, there are some things you can do to boost your energy. First, eat healthy food. What you eat can have a huge impact on your energy. Also, be sure to rest, and stay hydrated. You might also find that gentle exercise can help keep you energised.

Mood Changes

You might notice that your mood can change quickly during this stage of pregnancy. You may find that you become teary over small things. These mood changes may be related to the changes in your body, such as morning sickness, changes in hormone levels, and tiredness.

Your Diet At 2 Months Pregnant

When you’re two months pregnant, your diet will often depend on your carvings, and any food aversions. However, you do need to make sure that you eat healthily, even if some things are off the menu. There are a few nutrients that you need to make sure you include in your diet, or take a high quality supplement that has been formulated for pregnant women.

Folic Acid – Folic acid is one of the important nutrients for pregnant women. Most doctors recommend taking it while you’re trying to conceive as well. 

Iron – Iron is important for blood flow. Try eating iron rich foods such as beetroot, spinach, chicken, and fish. Take care which fish you eat, as some fish aren’t suitable for pregnant women.

Calcium – Calcium is needed for bone development. Foods like dairy, turnip and cabbage are good sources of calcium.

Protein – Protein is needed in any balanced diet, but it’s very important during your pregnancy. Try eggs, chicken or lentils as a form of protein. 

Fibre – Fibre is extremely helpful in aiding digestion. Foods such as cereals, carrots, oranges, and bananas are full of fiber.